Teaching and Learning with AI

Several resources are available to you as you begin to explore AI. Here are some quick steps and resources to get started.

If you are working with an instructional designer in your college or ASU Online, contact them first to see if they have specific resources and instructions.

Schedule a consultation with a Learning Experience Designer to discuss any questions about your ASU course or available educational technologies.

This page is a collection of the ASU resources that are most relevant to teaching and learning, curated from ASU’s central AI information site. Visit that site to learn more about AI at ASU, including Digital Trust guidelines, the faculty AI ethics committee, AI tools and resources, events, academic programs, research initiatives, and collaborations across the university. 

Fundamentals of AI

What is Generative AI?

Generative AI is a type of Artificial Intelligence that uses previously gathered information to design new content. Unlike traditional AI, which typically analyzes existing data to make predictions or decisions, generative AI can produce text, images, music, and even videos. These models learn patterns and structures from data that enable them to produce outputs that combine this information in new ways.  

One of the most well-known examples of generative AI is the GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) series, which can generate contextually relevant text based on a given prompt. Similarly, models like Adobe Firefly can create detailed images from text descriptions.

As Artificial Intelligence increases in impact and use, AI tools and information become more sophisticated and widely available. This enhances the tools' impact on Teaching and Learning and their integration into education.  Arizona State University (ASU) is committed to innovation and inclusion by thoughtfully and ethically, considering how AI can enhance learning experiences while also preserving the essential human elements of teaching. By intersecting a combination of Principled Innovation, balanced perspectives, and thoughtful integration we can foster ongoing discovery and prepare the next generation of leaders to use this technology.

Ethics, Security, and Principled Innovation

What does it look like to create technology solutions through the lens of Principled Innovation? We prioritize equity, privacy, and human-centered design, ensuring that our AI solutions deliver social benefit while respecting individual rights and dignity. Through continuous research and evaluation, we strive to create technology that reduces inequities and expands access, always seeking to make a positive impact on society.


ASU AI Digital Trust Guidelines

The ASU AI Digital Trust Guidelines were developed in collaboration with the AI Digital Trust Community of Practice, bringing together individuals from across the campus to identify appropriate considerations for the use of Generative Artificial Intelligence (genAI) at ASU. These guidelines have been reviewed and approved by Enterprise Technology Digital Trust, Cybersecurity, AI Acceleration, Learning Experience and the Office of General Council. 

View ASU's Digital Trust Guidelines


AI Syllabus Guidelines

The Office of the University Provost has created AI Syllabus Guidelines to provide instructors with sample syllabi statements. Learn more about AI guidelines from the Office of the University Provost.

Episode 1: Principled Innovation

AI Tools

AI tools encompass a wide range of software applications and platforms designed to leverage artificial intelligence technologies. These tools can analyze large datasets, recognize patterns, make decisions, and predict outcomes. Tools can help automate complex processes, gain insights from data analytics, enhance customer interactions, and drive strategic decision-making. 

What are generative AI tools and how are they being used at ASU?

ASU is embracing AI as an opportunity to augment our collective creativity and problem-solving abilities. Informed by ASU’s commitment to Principled Innovation, we believe that AI can enhance learning, spark creativity, catalyze innovative ideas, and streamline workflows. ASU is offering a range of AI tool licenses to faculty, staff, and students. AI tools on this page have completed the Vendor IT Risk Assessment (VITRA) process and were found to be low risk for FERPA data. 

Learn more about the tools available for use at ASU including Adobe Express and Firefly, Zoom AI Companion, and ChatGPT EDU.

See ASU AI tools

AI Teaching and Learning Resources

Integrating AI into academic courses offers significant benefits by enhancing educational experiences and outcomes. AI can personalize learning, and adapt content and pacing to individual student needs, which optimizes engagement and supports understanding. It also allows for the automation of routine tasks freeing instructors to focus more on in-depth interaction and instruction. Check out the resources below to learn more about how to add AI to your learning environment. 

  • Teaching and Learning with Generative AI course: A self-paced course designed by university experts to support Generative AI usage by faculty and staff. 
  • Syllabus Language: ASU syllabus language that you can incorporate into your course to effectively integrate and describe AI tools and principles.
  • Introduction to AI for Students: A Google Slides presentation that instructors can copy and edit to meet the needs of their class. This contains basic information to introduce students to using AI in their courses.
  • ASU Library Guide on Citing Generative AI Models: Information on how to accurately cite AI sources in your academic and professional work, covering various citation styles and contexts.
  • ASU Library Fundamentals of Generative AI in Student Research: This tutorial shares how genAI can enhance the research process, while spotlighting the ethical considerations and potential risks associated with genAI use in academia, including issues of plagiarism and bias.
  • AI Playground: This site comes from MLFTC and is an innovative hub tailored for college faculty, K-12 educators, and learners across all grade levels. It is designed to facilitate the exploration and understanding of AI technologies through a wide array of applications, integration strategies, and educational resources.
  • ASU / OpenAI Collaboration: A new collaboration between ASU and OpenAI brings the advanced capabilities of ChatGPT Enterprise to define how generative AI can be used in higher education to shape learning, research and the future of work.
  • Sharing Conversations Produced in AI Text Generators: Learn more about the share link feature in ChatGPT which allows you to generate and share a unique URL for a ChatGPT conversation.
  • ASU AI Brand Information: As AI technologies continue to evolve, the Enterprise Brand Strategy and Management team created these AI guidelines.


XKits are a library of plug-and-play assignments, discussions, and templates that make it easy to try new technology tools for specific educational purposes in your Canvas courses. XKits are available in the Canvas Commons, a library of free-to-use course resources that are easy to add to your existing course. 


How to use

To find out more info about XKits, visit our resources page.

When searching the Canvas Commons look for:
    • XKit: Study Guide Using Generative AI
    • XKit: Introduction Discussion “Pictures Say 1000 Words" with AI
    • XKit: Generative AI Information for Students
    • XKit: Podcasting with AI

How to add XKits to your Canvas course: This document provides a walkthrough on how to find and install XKits in your Canvas courses.

ASU AI Teaching and Learning Support

ASU AI Workshops
Learn more about AI workshops offered at ASU covering topics such as Prompt Engineering, AI as your Teaching Companion, and more.

AI Upskilling Office Hours
Join us for open office hours dedicated to AI upskilling with the ET AI Acceleration team to deepen your understanding of AI technologies and sharpen your skills, regardless of their current proficiency level.

AI Teaching & Learning Office Hours
Meet one-on-one with Learning Experiences AI Learning Strategist during dedicated office hours. Sign up or stop in for personalized guidance on incorporating AI into your curriculum, workflows, and research. 

AI Community of Practice
To advance AI for positive impact, ASU has formed a cross-enterprise effort to explore how AI can best serve the educational needs of students and learners.

LX Consultations
The world of technology is ever evolving. We are here to support you as you stay innovative. Book a consultation with a Learning Experience Designer.

On-Campus AI Support

AI at the Tech Hub

Join Learning Experience Design at the Tempe Tech Hub for a "Discover and Play with AI" session. These sessions are designed to demystify the fundamentals of artificial intelligence and explore its practical applications. Whether you're looking to integrate AI into your research or curriculum, or simply curious about the latest AI advancements, our discovery sessions provide a hands-on, collaborative environment where you can learn, experiment, and engage with the technology. Join us to discover how AI can enhance your teaching and research activities. 

AI in Research

AI is transforming academic research by enabling the analysis of complex data sets and the generation of new insights across various disciplines. By incorporating AI tools such as machine learning and natural language processing, researchers can automate data analysis tasks, enhance accuracy, and explore innovative approaches to longstanding problems. Integrating Generative AI opens up new possibilities for discovery and innovation.

In what ways can generative AI impact critical thinking, research, and writing?

What are the effects of generative AI tools on critical thinking, research, and writing? How can we approach these tools with caution and responsibility, and carefully consider their potential impact on research and writing outcomes?


Resources for AI Research

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